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​The Evolution of ESG

  • Publish Date: Posted about 2 years ago
  • Author:by Lester Lockyer

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) has grown in importance in recent years and having a positive influence on the planet, to enhance society, is now a core part of organisational strategy.

As a concept, it’s not new for businesses to be accountable for their actions, for the predecessor of ESG think Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). ESG takes the next step of making actions around making a positive impact on the environment, consumers, employees and communities more measurable.

Building on these CSR principles, ESG now provides data useful to investors for decision making and consumers for purchasing decisions, so both can understand the organisation’s values, social conscience and governance practices. That might be from measuring and managing the company’s carbon footprint or applying metrics to how companies treat their staff (including diversity & inclusion and mitigating gender pay gaps), how they manage their supply chain (making it greener by default), and the work they do in the community (to enhance society). Whilst CSRs aim is to give back to society (for large and small companies alike) it’s not an altruistic gesture, the brand benefits from this philanthropic approach.

Investors want to know that businesses they’re looking to spend their money on are not only financially viable but are socially responsible, well run, and limiting their impact on the environment. As a whole, this all makes for a much better investment opportunity as the world seeks to ‘build back better’ post-COVID.

More and more investors are looking to support socially responsible organisations who put sustainability above profit (though it should be noted that these two things definitely aren’t mutually exclusive). ESG investing is becoming the norm. Lenderssee and understand that well run, ethical companies manage their risks and have become more resilient, meaning a lower risk financial investment. Companies are waking up and so are consumers. People are willing to pay more for sustainable products and ethical services. Sustainable, socially responsible, environmentally driven businesses are a big draw to many consumers and investors alike.

If ESG is going to be fully embedded into an organisation, a part of its core strategy, then having the right skills and experience in place to lead the charge is key. So, what’s happening in the hiring market for ESG roles? More revolution than evolution in this case.

The demand for ESG skills at all levels – from leaders and managers to strategists and analysts – has never been higher. There’s a shortage of talent in the market with demand far outweighing supply. Equally, in some cases there’s a lack of understanding of what ESG is and where it sits, due to its relatively new status in the organisational food chain. That’s where Allen & York can help.

We’ve been working in Environmental and Sustainability recruitment since 1993 and know that if you’re seeing a CV with 20 years’ experience in ESG, then you might want to raise some questions. With the thousands of companies looking to compile and report on their ESG data, we believe ourmarket knowledge and understanding – combined with our network - sets us apart from others in the Green Executive Search and Recruitment space. If you’re looking to hire in ESG, and need some help and advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch, email: llockyer@allen-york.comor visit:

Allen & York – delivering Sustainable Recruitment Solutions since 1993.